When I traveled from Amsterdam to Shanghai by bicycle this year, I reached Asia at Istanbul, crossing the Bosphorus and making headway into Asia Minor.
But there might be a place even more important to consider as the junction, the rift, the divide even, between Asia and Europe, between East and West for that matter. It’s the island of Crete, where European civilization began. According to mythology, it was a violent beginning. As an act of aftercare, upon my return, I went there to witness the crime scene with my own eyes.
This is the East coast of Crete at Kato Zakros, very early morning. Daybreak. The moment the East brings its daily gift to humanity: light, energy, and orientation. The landscape is shared by an endless blue sea, a rocky skyline, and wherever they can grow, olive trees. All set in a timeless arrangement that easily brings the mind to the same situation thousands of years back. The most ‘recent’ trace of culture and human life here is the ruin of a Minoan palace nearby, at least 3,500 years old, with cobblestoned roads giving access to palatial rooms, baths, storerooms, and public facilities.
Now, imagine this same seemingly untouched remote corner of Europe as the violent crime scene where European civilization began, and hence the dawn of a humanity seen and idealized as exactly that: a humanity. The story is breathtaking, its origin cruel though.

Let me show you the crime itself, painted magnificently by the Renaissance painter Titian for the Habsburg global ruler Philip II, who reigned in the name of this Christian civilization, stretching from the Eastern Philippines (named after him) to the overthrown Inca empire in the Americas. Titian called this a Poesie, inspired by Ovid’s Metamorphoses. But it captured a rape. It’s The Rape of Europa, by the Greek supreme God Zeus, after first abducting this Phoenician and hence Asian princess from the beach of Tyre, in what is Lebanon today, and bringing her to the beaches of Crete, leaving the bewildered people behind on the Asian shore. As a token of her Asian majesty, Europa holds in despair her red silk shawl, a sign of Phoenician pride as the ultimate trading nation that for long connected the East with the West by a Road that today enjoys a renaissance. I traveled it for months this year.
On a more truthful account than mythology, we know that Europa, making the best of it, later became the mother of Minos of Crete, lord of Knossos, and client of the most respected ancient architect Daedalos, who designed the notorious labyrinth for the monstrous Minotaur, only to be tamed by the Athenian prince Theseus, with the help of Europa’s granddaughter Ariadne. The episode marked the beginning of the era of European dominance, which for the last 500 years, basically since Philip II, has experienced a new bloom.
Is this bloom now coming to an end? It was one of the speculations I made my journey for, and about which I will publish more soon.
For now, finally, let me show you the tree that is almost as old as this story: the olive tree of Kavusi, estimated to be almost 3,500 years old as well. It’s located near the place where Zeus must have landed with his prey. It carries the species of Olea europaea, which shares its name with the continent Europe, named centuries later by the Swedish zoologist Linnaeus. The tree has served more than 200 generations of human life and became the symbol of good life itself, symbolizing peace and harmony. Its value became symbolic in the Bible, when a dove, dispatched from Noah’s Ark, returned with an olive branch as a sign that the Great Flood had ended.
The olive tree delivers what humans have promised for millennia: peace. By its fruits, its oil, its quasi-permanence. The same controversial place that witnessed the usurpation of Europa, beginning a civilization with an original sin, is also the place that brought to light its symbolic and ever-growing counterpoint: peace.
We live in times of profound need for the latter, but seem only able to re-enact the first.