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东游记活动|Waterloo: the fiasco of empire 滑铁卢: 帝国的惨败

Waterloo: the fiasco of empire

滑铁卢: 帝国的惨败

Journey to the East event in Waterloo, Belgium, Feb 3


pictures of Waterloo event


Journey to the East cycling project is an attempt to map, understand and reflect upon the cultural axis of East and West, as perhaps the most lasting generator of global history and creative drive. Cycling this axis goes further though. From an intellectual discourse, this time the axis can be experienced as an immediate reality, being embodied by real situations in time and space, and real people living their lives before and beyond reflection. This is literally about leaving any proverbial armchair, and act with a profound physical effort and risk, going beyond any theory in favor of evidence, evidence, and nothing but evidence.


To break down this ongoing action of many months in a row into smaller acts, there will be held several events, marking about any 1000km or so. Each of them will address a specific dimension of the East West relationship, intended to capture insights more precisely, to establish connections, and to generate a physical legacy to be taken on the journey towards final destination Shanghai, where a group of students will start working on a tangible conclusion of the journey.


The first event in this series took place in Waterloo, theater of the last battle of Napoleon Bonaparte, who might be considered one of the boldest, and at the same time one of the most cruel conquerors of the East, having led numerous battles in Eastern Europe, and in particular by two unsuccessful campaigns even further, taking treasures back to Paris, or leaving innumerable victims, both from adversaries as his own armies, dead. Napoleon’s scale of ambition was unique, but the paradigm of empire he embodied, was by no way new. He only reiterated this paradigm which was already at least 1800 years old, with reminiscences to the Roman Empire, including the paraphernalia of trophies, triumphal arches, capitols, and other iconographies of subjugation. When he finally lost at Waterloo, the lion on the Mound was not just meant as a counter image of victory, but also a willed attempt to curb the empire not to rise again. We went to Waterloo to set an agenda for this journey: to understand how twisted this relationship between East and West mostly has been, how much suffering it entailed, and how beautiful it would be if, once and for all, peace would not be a lack of violence but a genuine creative act, inspiring nations and their people

peace would not be just a lack of violence but a genuine creative act, inspiring nations and their people.


The museum shop apparently knows what sells best:

it’s the paraphernalia of the losing party, showing Napoleon on coffee cups,

liquor labels, children’s costumes, and much much more.




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